Monday, January 14, 2008

New Year's Resolution - The Dreaded Diet

OK – I’ve got to get a better start on this weight lose plan. For me, putting things into words and "to do" lists just keeps me on track better. So, I'm making some notes to MYSELF first and for any friends who would like to come along beside me. I'll sure need the company, encouragement and suggestions.

I'll tell you up front that I don't have a lot of weight to lose. I currently weigh 188. But, given my frame (I could "balloon" up to 210 and my ankles would be no larger than the size of my 9 year old's ankles) 188 is just too much for me. I'm setting a goal of 175.

I would like to get drop 5 pounds by February 15 which is the start of our Bible Study's Marriage Retreat. 10 pounds by March 10 and the remainder by April Fools day.
I won't be too concerned if this doesn't pan out - as long as I'm heading in the right direction. My ultimate goal though is to be able to leave this one off of my New Year's Resolution list in 2009.

I hope you come along for the ride. Comments are welcome and encouraged. I don't expect you to announce your specific weight loss goals as I did, but let me know you're on board and ask me how I'm doing as we go.



Link McGinnis said...

If you're on board, just say, "I'm in!"

Anonymous said...

I'm absolutlely in!! I would like to lose about 15 lbs.

Anonymous said...

OO I did not see you guys over here, lol... I am in.. Michelle