“Primumu non nocere” means “first, do no harm.” Hippocrates, a Greek physician practicing around 300 B.C. , systemetized the study of medicine and is today known as “the father of medicine”. He may be best known for establishing the oath bearing his name. The phrase, “first, do no harm”, is attributed* to the Hippocratic Oath, which has become a basis for many oaths taken by new physicians.
But, we’re not supposed to dwell on a negatives. Society now seems to say to stress the “Do’s”, not the “Don’ts” - the positives, not the negatives. But, it’s just a matter of fact; Good physical condition and French fries, cookies and sodas don’t go together.
Low-Hanging Fruit
Think about pool (billiards). After the break you don’t look for the most difficult combo or bank shot – you look for the sure-shot, the low-hanging fruit. We’re going to go after that low-hanging fruit starting today.
What is your Achilles tendon – your worst offense? Is it cokes, Little Debbie’s (the Swiss Cake Rolls are my favorites), handfuls of chips while watching the tube, milkshakes from Chic-fil-a, Micky-Ds Value Meals? Think about this; most of these foods have tons of calories and they are completely empty – worthless. They taste great (no doubt) for a few minutes and then there is no benefit to them.
Say goodbye! Adios! This isn’t the fuel God intended for our lives. And, with that one step, we’ll begin to make progress.
Action: First, do no harm. If you’ve made progress either by exercise or thoughtful eating, don’t offset it with a quick decision to endulge. Make a decision right now that those things are gone!
“Primumu non nocere!” (And, carpe diem, too!)
This is even hard to type, I will give up the cookies. It may take me a while to hit post, :)... I know the end result will be amazing, it is so hard to give up the crutch.
This is even hard to type, I will give up the cookies. It may take me a while to hit post, :)... I know the end result will be amazing, it is so hard to give up the crutch.
This is even hard to type, I will give up the cookies. It may take me a while to hit post, :)... I know the end result will be amazing, it is so hard to give up the crutch.
Frenchie must really like cookies and hate giving them up since she posted her comment three times! Ha! Reminds me of when the Lord is being emphatic and repeats Himself to emphasize a point: "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says . . . " (I know, I know, it was an accident but couldn't help posting this comment - is what I do since I'm the oldest of four children - I harass!) But seriously, I posted on an earlier blog that I've given up chips and desserts for now - will reintroduce them on the weekends once I loose a little or all of my weight. More in control that way.
The only time I've ever tried to lose weight was last year. I lost about 14 pounds just by giving up mello-yello. Just kidding, I also had to increase my exercise quite a bit. I have since gained most of it back after having a couple of physical setbacks, but now I'm giving it another go. The exercise part is the most important to me, and to be consistent I've found that I have to make it fun. So I read while I'm doing the elliptical bike. However, I would love going on more hikes and bike riding this spring and summer to add even more fun to the grind of the exercise regimen. When the warm weather returns, why don't we plan on doing something like that weekly, semi-monthly or whenever strikes your fancy? It can be completely informal -- no sign-ups or registration required. Just show up if you want to go.
Bill - I'm in!
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